Saturday, October 9, 2021

Bike Refuses To Cross Scary Lucy Park Duck Pond Bridge

My gas powered mechanized hauling device took me and my bike back to Lucy Park today to do some wheel rolling. 

In the photo documentation above, we are stopping to consider if it a good idea to ride across that short bridge you see the handlebars pointing to. That bridge looks innocuous enough. However, I have walked across that bridge on previous visits to the Lucy Park Duck Pond and found this bridge a challenge to walk on. It moves up and down and rocks left and right. 

I have seen little kids having themselves a mighty fine time on this bridge. I think crossing it could make some sensitive sorts seasick

So, I opted to be cautious and turned around and pedaled away from the ducks and their pond.

Instead I rolled on the Circle Trail for a few miles. Rolled past Wichita Falls, which was falling a lot of water today. Past the actual site of the actual original Wichita Falls, a mile or so downstream.

And then turned around at O'Reilly Park to head back to that aforementioned gas powered mechanized hauling device.

So far I have not been enjoying the cool Fall weather. Because so far such has not arrived.

Yesterday we broke that day's temperature record at 98. Same is happening today. The A/C is running.

Yesterday I mentioned our record breaking temperature to someone in Seattle who replied that at their location it was 52 degrees and the heater was running. Humble bragger...

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