Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Ruby Has COVID


Heard from Mama Michele this afternoon that my one and only Favorite Niece Ruby, has tested positive for COVID.

Above that is me in the middle between Theo and Ruby at an ice cream joint in Tacoma's Ruston Way development.

Theo tested negative on the rapid test. Even as I type Mama Kristin has taken Theo and big brother, David, to get the up your nose COVID test.

Ruby started getting sick on Sunday, mostly a lot of coughing. Then by Monday morning, sore throat and stuffy nose. Ruby had only been back in school for three days. A kid who was in class for the first day of school, later tested positive.

The mask mandate was in play.

When the Tacoma Trio called me on my birthday, last month, they were sounding so excited to be going back to school...

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