Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Ides Of September Rolling On The Lake Wichita Boardwalk

On this Ides of September, day 15 of the 2021 version of such, my backup bike rolled me to the Lake Wichita Boardwalk, and beyond, this morning.

A morning with a slight chill in the air being a welcome harbinger of the arrival of Autumn a week from today.

Work has begun on a section of the Circle Trail at the far west end of Lake Wichita, near Mount Wichita. There had been talk of making this new section of the Circle Trail of the boardwalk type thing you see above.

I suspect the cost of a boardwalk is what has the new section of Circle Trail circling along the shoreline, instead of over water.

Methinks the over the water boardwalk plan would be worth the extra cost, and would end the unpleasantness now being experienced due to property owners along the shoreline who don't want a trail in their backyard.

I am not a native of this town, have only been in Wichita Falls a few years. But, I was not long in town before I learned that similar objections were raised at other locations of the Circle Trail. With those objections going away when the reality of the Circle Trail turned out to be a property enhancement. As in you will now see a real estate advertisement claiming closeness to the Circle Trail to be an attribute.

Anyway, I had myself a mighty fine bike ride today. I may to the same thing tomorrow. I am a big fan of being repetitive...

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