Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Recovered Ruby Helping Theo Dam Puget Sound Tide

Good news from Washington. Ruby is feeling much better. The above photo arrived on my phone last night with the following message...

"We got some fresh air last night. Kids and I feel fine. You can't really see it in the photo, but Theo constructed a little dam and moat in between the logs and we had to wait for the tide to fill it in. He always finds a way to fight with the tide!"

I had myself a might fine time fighting the tide with Theo way back in August of 2017, at Birch Bay in Washington, a few miles south of the border with Canada.

Last year, after the COVID nightmare began Theo sent me a card on which he wrote a message. I use this card as my bookmark. The message from Theo on the card...

"When COVID 19 is over I want you to come over to build a sand castle. Theo." 

I'll snap a picture of Theo's card...

David and Ruby also sent me cards with notes at the same time Theo did. I have them saved as well. But, currently can not remember where I put them.

The Tacoma Trio and their parental units are currently not staying in their Tacoma home. The kitchen is being remodeled, so whilst that is going on they are staying at their cabin on Harstine Island, which is a real island connected to the mainland by a real bridge built over actual water.

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