Wednesday, September 22, 2021

First Day Of Fall Chilly Bike Ride To Mount Wichita

This is being the strangest start of a new season I can remember. A couple days ago we hit 103 degrees for one of the few times the temperature went over 100 this summer. I think my old Washington home zone had more days over 100. 

And now, today, on the first day of Fall, the temperature was in the low 50s when the sun arrived this morning. My interior space is currently 76 degrees, naturally air-conditioned. The un-natural air-conditioner has not run since yesterday.

I took off about an hour before noon, with the temperature 70, and let my bike roll me to Lake Wichita. It was a chilly ride. No wind for additional chilling. A dead calm day. My bike stopped at Mount Wichita so I could take a picture of its current condition. 

It won't belong before Mount Wichita is snow covered and ski season can begin.

See the green color of my bike? Yesterday I got myself a long sleeved t-shirt in that same color. First time I have ever been color coordinated with a bike.

Continuing on my bike took me on a side spur off the Circle Trail to an overlook.

The overlook looks over the Lake Wichita Bayou. A vast marsh with a wide variety of foliage. I have seen deer come out of this bayou, but no snakes or alligators.

A few days ago I saw on Facebook an Elsie Hotpepper post where the Hotpepper was lamenting that she wished she could talk to Clyde. I thought of this when I got a call from Clyde this morning. I am fairly certain this was not the same sort of Clyde call Elsie was wishing for.

With the temperature dropping so precipitously it bodes not well for the coming Winter. I don't think Texas has done anything to improve the state's power grid.

The Texas governor has been focusing on building that wall on the border. Only the new version is not a wall in the usual sense. It is a line of vehicles which goes on for miles. 

From the Washington Post, an overview of the new Texas border wall...

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