Monday, September 27, 2021

Happy Belated Birthday Grandpa Jake & Hank Frank

I was distracted yesterday, I guess, and forgot to text Happy Birthday to my little brother and his littlest grandson, Hank Frank.

Hank Frank was brother Jake's birthday present three years ago yesterday. And Jake got to be up in Washington when his birthday present was opened, I mean, born.

I thought I was going to get to meet Hank Frank, and his mother, for the first time two summer's ago, but COVID intervened. I thought for sure I would get to meet Hank Frank, and his mother, the summer which just had its closing, but COVID was still intervening.

I was in the parking lot of the Beach Street Walmart in Fort Worth when I got a call telling me about the arrival of Hank Frank. I do not remember who called me. 

I think I am likely the only one of Hank Frank's Great Uncles and Aunts who have not yet met him. Though I do not recollect sister Michele mentioning seeing Hank Frank. Sister Jackie had a great time meeting Hank Frank and his mom, Monique. 

Anyway, I hope brother Jake and Hank Frank had themselves a mighty fine time on their Happy Birthdays!

UPDATE: Hank Frank's dad, Joey, sent my phone a picture of Hank Frank's birthday party. A party Hank Frank's grandma, my Favorite Ex-Sister-In-Law, Cindy, flew home from Italy, just to be there. I was not invited. I was always invited to all Hank Frank's dad's birthday parties...

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