Sunday, September 26, 2021

Google Takes Me Back In Time Down Memory Lane

For a few months now, once a month, Google emails me an email, part of which is what you see above. The subject line in the email this month says, "On this day September 26 look back at your memories from this day."

Sometimes I do not remember the memory, or the date of that memory. In today's memory of this day of September 26 I definitely know this memory is not accurate. It is the photo on the lower left which I know exactly what date that photo was taken.

August 11, 2001, one more before that date which will live on in infamy, 9/11. 

I had driven solo back to Washington for my mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary party. No one but two of my nephews knew I was doing this. I believe this may have been the last time all my siblings were together at the same location.

Nope, just remembered we were all present at nephew Jason's first wedding five years later.

In the photo from August 11, 2001 me and my siblings are lined up chronologically. The eldest, me, is on the left, next to little brother Jake, then big sister Clancy, second biggest sister Jackie and little sister Michele. I do not know why Michele is the tallest in this photo. In front of us, sitting, dad, mom and grandma Vera, my mom's mom.

As for the other photos.

The upper left is the pasture and pond at my first Texas location in the little town of Haslet, a suburb of Fort Worth.

The upper right looks to be the Paramount Theater in Seattle. Why I would have taken this picture I do know. I have no memory of having done so.

Under the Paramount Theater is my dad holding the aforementioned big sister Clancy, when she was still little and called Nancy. Next to dad that would be me, with little brother Jake on the left. 

At the bottom right that would be me, sitting on some sort of barrel. Possibly at the Fort Worth Stockyards, but I really have no memory of this.

So there you have it, a trip down memory lane, some of which I remember...

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