Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Two New Sikes Lake Hoodoo Cairns Sprout Up Overnight

Two new Hoodoo-like cairns, or cairn-like Hoodoos showed up today on the east shore of Sikes Lake.

Those are some big boulders someone is lifting to build these works of art.

As you can see via the absence of any wave action today at my location we are currently in dead calm mode. 

The temperature the past couple days has gotten nowhere near 100. Yesterday when I rolled my bike's wheels the temperature wasn't even in the 80s. Same today, but slightly warmer at 79 when I left my abode.

These chilly temperatures are feeling like an early harbinger of winter, well, fall, not winter.

I'm really not in the mood for winter. So far we have not had a super HEAT wave hit, with the temperature well above 100.

So, so far the Texas electricity grid has not been strained like last winter's sub-zero disaster...

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