Monday, August 2, 2021

McNutty Strikes Again From Tacoma This Time

Little Miss McNutt's latest homesick inducing image, posted on Facebook, is not the usual view of Mount Rainier, which is usually from the Seattle perspective, if not an up close look at the Mountain.

Tacoma is closer to the Mountain than Seattle is. At times when driving around Tacoma it seems like the Mountain is somehow following you, at times seeing to loom larger and closer than other times.

The view above is a tad exaggerated. I think David, Theo and Ruby's Tacoma abode is hidden somewhere in the tall evergreen trees.

The Washington Native American's name for Mount Rainier is Tahoma, which means "snowy mountain peak".

I do not know why David, Theo and Ruby's town replaced the 'h' in Tahoma with a 'c'. There likely is an explanation for this.

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