Monday, July 26, 2021

Virtually Attending A BEHS Class Reunion In The Skagit Valley


Saturday I missed going to a high school class reunion up north in my old home zone.

The reunion was barely underway when I began receiving photo documentation via my phone and email.

The reunion appears to have been well attended, with more attending than evidenced by the above group photo. I know this because two of the people in attendance, who were sending me photo documentation, are not in the above group photo.

The last time my high school class had a reunion, with a group photo posted on Facebook, one of my fellow non-attendees to that reunion, Honey Lulu, called me the next morning because she was perplexed trying to figure out who some of the people were that we were seeing. We made our way through the photo, identifying all but one, which had to await a third part identification.

I have not heard from Honey Lulu after this latest reunion. I can see she is in attendance, kneeling in the middle of the front row. I can identify, with no help, maybe two thirds of the faces I am seeing.

This reunion which took place on Saturday was the result which resulted after the official reunion, which was to take place at the Skagit Country Club, was cancelled, due to COVID. That cancelled reunion will take place next summer, unless something dire intervenes. 

Linda Lou called me Saturday as she was driving away from the reunion. I talked her all the way back to her driveway in Mount Vernon. Linda Lou had a mighty fine time. She had been a tad reluctant to attend, due to a variety of legit reasons, including COVID.

Because that mighty fine time was had by Linda Lou at this makeshift reunion I committed to going to next summer's reunion, if it takes place...

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