Saturday, July 24, 2021

Don't Go To A High School Reunion Not Prepared To Find Old People Claiming To Be Classmates

About an hour or so ago a big event began at a rural location in the Skagit Valley.

Literally, less than a minute after I saw the meme you see on the left, above, incoming email brought me two photos of that event taking place at a rural location in the Skagit Valley. I then merged the meme with one of the reunion photos for blogging purposes.

The two photos are HUGE. So, I was able to read some nametags.

Like that is Dan Sooter, up from California, sitting in the front right, talking to the first husband of Janice Jackson, known as Martin Burwash. I think that is Janice with her back to the camera, to the left of Martin.

Like I said, the photos are HUGE.

Below are the two photos rendered smaller than the email versions, but bigger than what you see above...

No, the meme is wrong, these people do not look like they may be too old to have been high school classmates of mine.

This looks like a classy location for a reunion, an event space decorated to look like a garage. I see some ice chests arrayed around the space. The ice chests must be holding the food stuff everyone was instructed to bring for the Potluck scheduled to begin around 2pm. It's a little past 4pm at my location, so the Skagit Valley B-EHS Potluck must be underway.

I got a few calls the past couple days asking if I was gonna be there today. None of the callers seemed too shocked when I said no, I am not gonna be there..

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