Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Texas Exit To Oklahoma & Comanche Red River Casino

I mentioned earlier today that I read that the Red River was heading into being in flood mode, and that I thought I might drive myself north a few miles, to Oklahoma, to see the Red River flowing a lot of water.

The last time I saw the Red River it did not look like a river. It looked like a meandering creek, surrounded by massive sand bars, with a long bridge crossing over the little creek. 

That long bridge, which I saw today is named the G.W. Bush Bridge, today was not crossing over a creek. Instead it was crossing over a wild looking river.

In that first photo, a rare selfie, we are seeing the expression of joy and relief on my face, happy to be leaving Texas for the first time in well over a year.

That photo was taken just as I drove onto the G.W. Bush Bridge. I do not know at what point in the bridge crossing one leaves Texas and enters Oklahoma. There is a big Welcome to Oklahoma sign when you get to the north side of the river.

I snapped photos of the flooding Red River, both heading to Oklahoma, and when returning to Texas. Below is the looking east, heading to Oklahoma, view of the flooding Red River.

It certainly is not a bright Red River, more of a brownish shade of red Red River.

There are two casinos soon after crossing the border. I had previously been to the Apache Casino. I drove past it this time and stopped at Comanche Red River Casino instead, because I was in need of a restroom break.

The Comanche Red River Casino is bigger than the Apache Casino. I really do not like the modern style of gaming machines. Way too much sensory overload. Huge video screens, some curved, some towering above where one sits. I like a casino with a more sedate ambience than the current casino norm.

If the casino today had old style slots I likely would not have resisted the urge to gamble a nickel or two. Today I felt no such urge.

And above we are heading back to Texas, on the middle of the G.W. Bush Bridge, heading south, looking west at the flooding Red River.

I rather enjoyed freeway driving today. I do not remember the last time I went 70 mph. It's been a long long time.

I suspect I will be making my first return in a long long time to DFW soon. It has been well over a year since I have been to that location...

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