Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Seattle 108 Degrees HOTTER Than Ever In NYC, Washington, D.C. & Atlanta

The above screen cap from Twitter was in my email inbox this morning, sent by my Favorite Nephew Jason, currently in super sweltering Mount Vernon, Washington.

I would have to do some Googling to verify that these temperature statistics are accurate, but, I am fairly certain they are. 

This morning I read in the Seattle Times that cool marine air is going to flow in today from the Pacific, bringing relief to the over HEATED. 

I also read that yesterday's heat caused I-5 and other roads to buckle.

I do not know if a buckled road is temporarily not safe to drive on, or what, exactly, buckling necessitates. 

Meanwhile, at my Texas location this morning, the temperature is 73, heading to a high in the low 80s, with rain currently falling, going into downpour mode every once in awhile, along with thunder booms.

I read this morning, in the local Wichita Falls Times New Record, that the Red River is in flood mode. Maybe I will drive up to Oklahoma this morning and see the Red River in flood mode. The last time I drove the 20 miles north to Oklahoma the Red River was a mere trickle, but one could see, whilst driving over the long bridge across the river, that the river had potential to be much wider.

One comes to casinos a couple miles north of the Oklahoma border. Too bad I am not much of a slot machine fan or I might have myself some fun losing money.

To operate the newfangled slot machines I need my Arizona sister to guide me through the complicated process. I don't know why the nice simple slot machines of long ago are no longer an option.

I used to actually enjoy playing video poker on the slot machines of Reno and Vegas.

One time in the Debbie Reynolds Casino in Las Vegas I won a super jackpot on a nickel video poker machine. It filled two buckets with nickels. I think the grand total when I converted the nickels to paper was somewhere in the whopping 60 bucks range...


  1. That PNW heatwave thing just blows my mind!

    Buckled roads are dangerous as it is as if a giant took his index and thumb together and pinched the road together. For a bike rider it means a certain nasty tumble. For a car driver, it could mean new front tires after hitting the edge of the asphalt and causing a nasty slice if you hit it hard enuf. Very dangerous things.

    In STX, we have plenty of buckled roads caused by horrible heat with high humidity of maybe 95%. Knarly hurricanes on the coast proper. Add sneaky twisters in the brush country for the Cherry on top.

    If those on the PNW had our humidity, I think they would just melt and disappear. I bet the Depot has shipped in tons of those portable AC units.

    These are interesting times, indeed!

  2. That PNW heatwave thing just blows my mind!

    Buckled roads are dangerous as it is as if a giant took his index and thumb together and pinched the road together. For a bike rider it means a certain nasty tumble. For a car driver, it could mean new front tires after hitting the edge of the asphalt and causing a nasty slice if you hit it hard enuf. Very dangerous things.

    In STX, we have plenty of buckled roads caused by horrible heat with high humidity of maybe 95%. Knarly hurricanes on the coast proper. Add sneaky twisters in the brush country for the Cherry on top.

    If those on the PNW had our humidity, I think they would just melt and disappear. I bet the Depot has shipped in tons of those portable AC units.

    These are interesting times, indeed!
