Saturday, June 26, 2021

Record Washington Heat Wave Has FN Jason & Spencer Jack In Nephews In Danger Mood

The west coast is having a HEAT wave, including my old home zone part of the west coast, as in the Pacific Northwest part, where there are predictions the temperature may soar to a record breaking level above 100 degrees for the first time, west of the mountains, as in west of the Cascades.

East of the mountains, also known as Eastern Washington, regularly goes over 100 during the HOT time of the year.

Incoming email from my Favorite Nephew Jason and his first born, Spencer Jack, today, documenting the HEAT wave and the effect it is having.

As in Jason and Spencer Jack have closed their Fidalgo Drive-In til Monday, because, as is the case for much of Western Washington, the Fidalgo Drive-In has no air conditioning.

I am assuming the three day closure is based on the PNW norm of a HEAT wave only lasting three days, then cold air arrives from the Pacific, cooling things down, often with thick, refreshing fog.

Today's email from Jason and Spencer Jack including three photos along with some explanatory text.

"Thought you'd enjoy these photos---I have decided to close down my restaurant for the next 3 days, as the PNW is about to experience an historic heat wave.  I imagine there may be many deaths, as I just read that Seattle is the least air-conditioned large city in the U.S.   My restaurant is not air-conditioned."

"Spencer and I spent Wednesday and Thursday making the Cascade Loop, overnighting in Leavenworth."

Leavenworth is a Bavarian themed Washington tourist town. One of my favorite places when I was an in state Washingtonian.

I believe that is Liberty Bell Peak behind Jason and Spencer Jack. They are standing at an overlook vantage point at the east end of the North Cross State Highway, also known as Highway 20. This highway passes through North Cascades National Park.

I can't remember if this location is in the National Park. I suspect it is. It is a great view, looking down on the highway as it quickly descends to Eastern Washington. It can be a scary stretch of road to drive. I last drove it a month before moving to Texas. Hard to believe this type scenery used to be a short drive from my home abode.

Heading for a beach or the mountains is how Western Washingtonians get some relief from a HEAT wave. An option I do not have at my current location. But, I do have air conditioning, which is blowing cold on me even as I type.

"I made sure to stop at my favorite Nephew in Danger location: Spencer Jack Not The Nephew In Danger Crossing A Rickety Methow River Suspension Bridge and snap a photo for you."

I can remember it like it was yesterday. Jason and his brother, my Favorite Nephew Joey, took me on the Cascade Loop. That is what it is called when you make a loop of going over the North Cross State Highway pass to Eastern Washington, then Stevens Pass to return to Western Washington. The reverse works too. Or you can make it a way longer loop by making Snoqualmie Pass your way over the mountains.

Anyway, you leave Highway 20 around the tourist town of Winthrop. That's a western themed tourist town. You then head south along the Methow River, heading towards where it meets the Columbia River. There are several rickety old suspension bridges across the river. The nephews convinced me to stop at one, and then asked if they could cross it. I rarely said no, irresponsible uncle that I was. The river did not look too treacherous if one or both happened to fall in.

It looks like the bridge has greatly deteriorated since Jason and Joey tried to cross it. I am surprised that after all this time even remnants remain.

The email also included news about Jason paternal parental unit, also known as Spencer Jack's grandpa, or my little brother...

Your brother is currently visiting, and my hope is this heat makes him feel right at home.   He is currently staying with a pair of neurotics at some camp near the Olympics.  He is due to come visit this upcoming Monday.  Brother Joe and I have advised him that Monday is not an ideal travel/visiting day due to the forecasted 100+ temperatures, however, he is insisting on leaving the camp that day.  Your brother has a very hard time taking reasonable advice.

Wish us all luck.


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