Sunday, June 27, 2021

My Old Home Zone Washington Is Melting With Record HOT Temperatures

I saw this on Facebook yesterday. A weather map courtesy of KING5 in Seattle, showing the temperatures in various towns in Western Washington. 

Along with the temperature of one Eastern Washington town. 


I have long explained to people, well, Texans, who have no real understanding of the concept of mountain ranges, because, well, they have never seen one, that Washington is divided in two by the Cascade Mountains, making for two totally different climates.

Western Washington has a mild Mediterranean climate. For the most part. 

Whilst Eastern Washington has more of a North Texas type climate. For the most part. Albeit with much more scenic scenery, bigger rivers, with big dams, a lot of orchards and vineyards.

Yesterday's temperature clearly shows the difference between east and west of the mountains. The west side is for the most part not even over 100 degrees, whilst Wenatchee, on the east side, is sweltering at 1104 degrees.

The map shows Cle Elum at 99. Cle Elum is sort of in Eastern Washington, but that town is still basically up in the mountains, sort of. If you were a Northern Exposure fan, Cle Elum is only a couple miles from Rosyln, the scenic Washington tourist town which was Cicely, Alaska in Northern Exposure. 

Today, the final Sunday of June, most of Western Washington is predicted to go over 100 degrees on a record breaking HOT day.

And then on Monday, a disaster is in the making, with the temperature predicted to be in the 108 - 109 zone...

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