Thursday, May 6, 2021

Way Back To 1989 With Jason & Joey

Yesterday on Facebook I saw a photo posted by my Favorite Ex-Sister-in-Law, Cindy. 

Cindy is Spencer Jack and Hank Frank's Grandma. 

Which would make Grandma Cindy Jason and Joey's maternal parental unit.

The photo was of the group sort, a collection of baseballers assembled for some sort of baseball thing at Lake Padden in Bellingham.

Bellingham is the last semi-big town one drives through on I-5 before reaching the border with Canada.

Lake Padden Park is of the sort I really do not see much of in Texas. As in a city park which is HUGE, with multiple amenities. Miles of trails, some quite challenging. Excellent swimming. Multiple playfields for various sports. Amenities like modern restrooms and water running out of a faucet. This park can get a bit overwhelmed on a HOT summer day. When I lived in Washington I frequented Lake Padden frequently.

And this is not even Bellingham's only big park. Whatcom Falls Park is a scenic wonderland the likes of which do not exist at my current location. Again, miles of trails, a swimming hole like something out of a a movie.

Think Blue Lagoon without palm trees.

But containing a forest of big old growth evergreen trees...

Anyway, back to Jason & Joey. The photo above, cropped from a larger photo, was taken in 1989. That is Jason on the left, making that Jason's little brother, Joey, on the right.

Cindy remarked, in a comment on this post, that this year, the 1989 young version of Jason turns 42.

Turns 42, with a kid, Spencer Jack, older than Jason was in 1989.

The rapid passage of time really is not for the faint hearted...

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