Friday, May 7, 2021

In Cabo San Lucas With Latest Addition To Extended Jones Family

That is my Favorite Nephew Christopher you see above, with his newly wed wife, my Favorite Niece-in-Law Carissa.

Christopher and Carissa are in the Weston branch of the Jones Family, located in Arizona.

The nuptials took place May 1 at a location in Cabo San Lucas called the Garza Blanca Resort.

As you can see, via the photo documentation above, attendees to the wedding were required to be attired in earth tones. 

Via additional photo documentation it appears Christopher's younger brother, my Favorite Nephew Jeremy, was his usual rebel self and did not follow the earth tone edict.

Then again, I may be wrong, and blue is an earth tone. 

That is Jeremy, in blue, and his older brother, Christopher, in earth tones, kissing their mother, my Little Sister Jackie, who is also known as my Favorite Jackie Sister.

I know the name of Jackie's earth tone is Champagne. I know this because Jackie told me such. 

This is the first time I was not able to attend the wedding of one of my nephews. This was the first nephew wedding which did not take place in the United States.

I just remembered, I also did not attend my Favorite Nephew Joey's wedding. But that one does not count because I was not invited, because Joey and Monique eloped. At least that is what I was told. Joey and Monique got married in Montana, which is in the United States, and so attending those nuptials would not have required a passport.

That and the Joey/Monique nuptials took place prior to the COVID nightmare.

COVID made flying to Cabo a more difficult wedding to attend, in addition to needing a passport.

I can not help but wonder which nephew wedding is up next. Jason 2.0? Jeremy? David? Theo?

If Vegas were taking odds I would bet on Theo's being the next nephew wedding to take place, hopefully somewhere in the United States, well after COVID has faded into history....

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