Monday, March 29, 2021

Visiting Hank Frank's Jones Family Compound With Spencer Jack & Jason


Yesterday whilst blogging about Driving By The Skagit Tulip Festival Daffodils With Miss Lori I made mention of the fact that my Favorite Nephew Joey's house and the Hank Frank Orchard are on the Skagit Flats, on Beaver Marsh Road, near world famous Roozengarde.

This morning Hank Frank's Uncle Jason emailed me two emails with one photo in each email, along with text.

The text which accompanied the photo above was "Just read your blog.  The acres next to FNJoey has a home built for Spencer and I.  I think I have additional photos of this.  The Jones compound is one block south of Roozengarde.  It’s a gorgeous place to live."

Roozengarde is a Dutch name, as is Slotemaker, which translates to Jones in its adulterated English form. The Dutch pair in Hank Frank's yard with the Slotemaker sign came from my mom and dad's yard in Arizona.

And then we have the second photo from today's email.

The text with the above email said, "Here is one Spencer took the other day of me out standing in my field with the home pictured in the distance.  I can’t wait for you to visit."

It is unclear to me if the home referenced is the Hank Frank house or the one Jason said was a home built for him and Spencer. 

In the above photo I believe we are looking west at the setting sun. I think this to be the case because there are no mountains on the horizon. If that were a sun rising from the east it would be popping out over a range of mountains called Cascades.

I have not yet seen the design plans for Jason and Joey's Jones Family Compound. I assume such will soon be forthcoming...

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