Saturday, March 13, 2021

Balmy Bluff Bench Sitting With Minimalist Sinus Headache

Today is Day Five of having a constant headache, to varying degrees of aching.

Yesterday I learned this was a sinus headache. And so suitable medication was acquired and so now the constant headache only throbs distantly, barely noticeable.

Feeling better I thought getting some natural medicine, via aerobic activity generating endorphins, was a good idea. My best go to place for such, other than riding my bike, is to hike the hills in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

The second Saturday of the 2021 version of March at my location is a relatively balmy temperature in the 70s. Clouds are beginning to build for the predicted possibly severe thunderstorms later today.

A constant wind was blowing whilst I was on the Bluffs, with gusts causing me to repeatedly grab my hat to prevent it from flying away.

I stopped for a bit of a linger on the bench at the location you see in the above photo documentation. The view is slightly to the northwest.

I made note of that house you see across the ravine from my first time seeing it from the Bluffs. It looks to be in the same style as my old home in Mount Vernon, Washington. Sort of. 

A couple times I have tried to find the road which leads to that house, to no avail. I think it is at the end of a long driveway, with a gate blocking access from the main road.

It is now time for a late lunch, and to take my sinus headache medication...

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