Monday, February 1, 2021

Wichita Bluff Hoodoos Rise & Fall With Dirty Blonde Medusa


With nary a whiff of wind blowing and with the temperature not nearly freezing, I decided this first day of the 2021 version of February would be a good day to commune with nature in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

I arrived at the western parking lot of the WBNA a few minutes after Rush Limbaugh began polluting the airwaves with his peculiar brand of ignorant conspiratorial idiocy. 

I was only a couple minutes into walking, barely under the entry sign which marks the start of the west end of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, when an extremely weird thing came into view. A female with a head which looked like it was covered by a giant yellow bush.

As the yellow bush grew closer it began to look like a Medusa snake head of long blonde dreadlocked curls. Googling "Medusa" came up with the following, which is sort of close to what I saw...

As the Wichita Bluff Medusa got even closer I saw that she was barefoot, and dirty, as if she'd been wading in the Wichita River. I howdy-ed her as I passed quickly by. I got no response. She acted furtive, like a caged squirrel.

At about the half mile mark I came to the regular zone where Hoodoos are erected. That is what you see photo documented at the top. 

Continuing on I walked for a couple miles before turning around.

When I came to the Hoodoo location, on my return to the parking lot, I saw, to my shock and surprise, that the Hoodoos had been destroyed in the short time since I saw them fully erect.

After I turned around at the end of today's nature walk I met only one person on the way back to my vehicle.

That same Dirty Blonde Medusa.

Had she ventured off the paved trail in her bare feet and destroyed the Hoodoos? Why would anyone engage in such insane madness.

When I passed the Dirty Blonde Medusa the second time I re-howdy-ed her and again received no response. A couple hundred feet later I looked back and saw she had stopped walking and was looking in my direction. When she saw I had turned to look at her she shouted something incomprehensible. I don't think it was English.

So, that has been my exciting first day of February, so far...

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