Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lock On The Lucy Park Wichita River Suspension Bridge Takes Us To Paris

Yesterday the outer world at my location was heated to a temperature somewhere in the low 70s zone.

Today, on this final Sunday of the 2021 version of January, the outer world is back being chilled to a temperature a few degrees above freezing. As in 41 degrees when I drove myself to Lucy Park this morning for a short windy communing with nature.

Looking at the locked photo I took this morning whilst swaying on the suspension bridge which is suspended over the Wichita River, one would not think a strong wind was blowing, what with no waves waving on the river. 

I think, maybe, the river water is too muddy, and thus too thick, to have the wind making waves. Sort of like slow moving reddish brown gelatin impervious to being impacted by gusts of wind.

I did not think to count them, but there are a lot of locks now locked on the Wichita River suspension bridge. Each visit seems to find a couple more locks. I don't quite understand the point or reason, but have been told this replicates locks on a bridge across the Seine River in Paris.

That's Paris, France, not Paris, Texas.

Now that you are causing me to think about it, maybe Paris, Texas also has a bridge with locks locked on it.

I have not personally visited either Paris. I understand the Eiffel Tower in the French version of Paris is more impressive than the Eiffel Tower in the Texas version of Paris.

The Texas version has a cowboy hat at its top...

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