Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Late Halloween Election Night Masking From Tacoma


I was wondering why I had seen no photo documentation from Tacoma of Saturday's COVID Halloween. I did receive a written description which indicated a mighty fine time was had by all...

We did have a great Halloween. Two other families (Ruby’s best friends) came over and we had pizza and did a piñata in the backyard. We had a heater on the deck and the fire pit going. Then we walked around our neighborhood. Many houses had bowls of candy out, or bags of candy tied to fenceposts or on a string, and there were quite a few candy chutes. It was really cool. Kids got plenty of candy and declared it the best Halloween ever, I think because their expectations were so low. LOL. Anyhow, it was nice.

And now, on this scary election night, incoming photo documentation from Tacoma, with the Tacoma Trio and their parental units properly attired for what may be a frightful night.

In the front that is Theo on the left, with David in the middle, making that Ruby on the right. With the aforementioned parental units behind them, Kristin on the left and Michele on the right.

It is a bit past 6. I think it is time to get this party started...

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