Thursday, November 5, 2020

Christmas Begins Arriving At Wichita Falls MSU Campus

Now, what with Halloween only seen via looking through the rear view mirror, it is time to get ready for Christmas, with that Thanksgiving bump on the road on the way, before getting to Christmas and a New Year.

And so, I was not too surprised today whilst rolling my bike's wheels to the MSU (Midwestern State University) campus to find Christmas arriving in the form of the massive installation that takes place every year at the northeast corner of the MSU campus.

As you can see, via the photo documentation, the weather is blue sky perfect for putting together displays which involve complex electrical connections.

It is way too early to tell if there are new elements this year. Each year previous, which I have observed this up close, new stuff has been seen.

Thanksgiving arrives three weeks from today.

I will not cook anything turkey related this year. I think I will have a Mexican themed Thanksgiving, with tacos and such. 

I am hoping Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, or some combo of the five, give the majority of Americans something to be real thankful about on November 26...

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