Saturday, April 4, 2020

Heeding Fat Orange Pumpkin's Advice Shivering Masked Man Takes Bored Walk

I am having a little trouble not going stir crazy during this cooped up in the home cage nightmare.

So, I have been doing some escaping, usually solo, inside the protective bubble of my motorized motion device.

As you can see via the photo documentation I am heeding the Fat Orange Pumpkin's advice to be a masked man when out and about in any sort of public venue.

The bandanna scarf mask is serving a dual purpose today, what with the unwanted return of Winter.

This morning the real temperature was almost freezing, with the wind making the outer world feel as if it was below freezing.

Before lunch I took a drive to Lake Arrowhead, eventually ending up at Lake Wichita, at the dam parking lot. I did not see any infectious humans, so I decided it was likely safe to walk to the top of the dam to check out the current status of the new boardwalk being installed on the lake.

I stayed more than six feet from the man in the boat with a pole. The boardwalk looks as if it is nearing completion. I really don't quite understand the purpose of this boardwalk. Will there be a floating dock at the boardwalk's end, with a stairway down to the dock?

Or are people expected to want to fish from the boardwalk?

There has been some talk of the final link in the Circle Trail being built over the lake. Methinks that is a great idea. A floating trail might be fun, rocking and rolling a bit when the wind whips waves on the lake.

I am sort of running out of places to take a short drive to at my current location. It ain't like my old home location in Washington, where I could drive a few miles to the west and be at a saltwater beach, or a few miles to the east and be up in the mountains, or a few miles north and be in an entirely different country, or hop a ferry and float to islands in the rain shadow of the Olympics.

I think on the next warm day, if one ever arrives, I may head north to Oklahoma, where the waving wheat can sure smell sweet, or something like that...

1 comment:

  1. ....when the rain comes right behind the wind....

    Everything closed here in WA. Anderson Island is really small, pretty much exhausted hiking here. Cold, too.
