Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Chilly Wichita Falls Circle Trail Walk Finding Trail & Library Closed

Several days ago the local weather forecasters were forecasting what seemed would be an early in the year heat wave.

Well, there were two days which followed which caused me to turn on the air conditioning for the first time this year.

And then yesterday it was back to fire up the furnace mode, which continues today.

I know that with the current situation no one expects anyone to go out of their way to return books, and that no fine would ensue, or book collecting gestapo agent would come knocking on my door due to an overdue book.

But, I needed to return some almost due books to the currently Coronavirus closed Wichita Falls Public Library. And any excuse is a good excuse to temporarily take a break from the sheltering in place.

So, I drove to do so, making my way to the closed library, with an empty, usually full, parking lot, using the primitive, antique book drop means, rather than the modern touch screen moving belt electronic means I usually use, to rid myself of a stack of books.

Leaving the drive through book depository lane I opted to head west to the eastern entry to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area for a walk on the Circle Trail.

After arriving and parking I headed to the Circle Trail and then took a right, walking east under the bridge over the Wichita River where I came to what you see above.


I don't know why such a sign is needed at this location. It looked fairly obvious that I had come to the current end of the Circle Trail, with the new section's construction well underway, with the hopefully soon to open link to Lucy Park.

At that TRAIL CLOSED  location I decided to take a rare selfie photo to photo document how cold the outer world currently is at my location, requiring a flannel shirt and a thick head covering. In the selfie you can not see the long pants or long underwear which completed the keep warm ensemble.

After walking I don't know how many miles I eventually found my way back to sheltering in place. I don't know how much longer I can live this way without having some sort of nervous breakdown...

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