Monday, January 13, 2020

Texas Native Dislikes Fort Worth Escapes To Washington

A few days ago I blogged Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's J.D. Granger Temper Tantrums.

And then on January 8 I saw, via a notification from Twitter, telling me my Twitter Tweet of that blog post had been re-tweeted, which is that which you see here, text-wise and screen capped...

fwtxcitywoman--Back in WA. Couldn't take it anymore. Bought home on Anderson Island. Insulated. Peace, quiet. Grew to dislike  FTW. Carry on.

This Twitter Tweet, or whatever you call it, sort of surprised me.

I first heard from fwtxcitywoman years ago. I do not remember if I first heard from her via an email sent from my Eyes on Texas website, or a comment made to this blog you are reading right now.

What I do remember is at that point in time I knew fwtxcitywoman as MKB, those being the initials of her name.

Early upon first contact MKB let me know she was the opposite of me, where I am a transplanted Yankee exiled to Texas, MKB was an exiled Texan transplanted to Washington.

Specifically, MKB was a Fort Worth Texan transplanted to the Tacoma/Puyallup zone of Washington.

And MKB made it sort of clear she longed to return to the wonder which is Fort Worth, and leave Washington in her past, looking forward to when she retired, and able to make that move happen.

I recollect MKB enjoying my descriptions of going treasure hunting at Fort Worth's Town Talk.

If I remember right, at times MKB could be a bit cranky with me pointing out what I thought was some bit of idiotic nonsense I was witnessing in Fort Worth, with MKB opining she found plenty to be offput by in Western Washington.

I think, again, if I remember right, being in one of the nation's bastions of progressive liberalism was something MKB found a tad distressing.

And then a few years ago MKB told me she was moving back to Fort Worth. I think this was after a job transfer, prior to retiring.

By that point in time MKB's husband had also Facebook friended me. I understood MKB's husband to be a native Pacific Northwesterner, and so I cautioned him to be prepared for extreme culture shock when first experiencing Fort Worth. I remember MKB's husband not quite understanding the nature of my culture shock warning, taking it more personally than it was intended.

Anyway, MKB and her husband made the move, returning to her hometown, which was also where her son had remained.

I remember wondering if she was still going to like Town Talk, because by the time MKB made the move I had sort of soured on Town Talk, due to changes made by a new owner.

I have no idea what it was about Fort Worth which MKB could no longer take, or why she joined the throngs who have come to dislike the town.

There are myriad reasons why someone who has experienced modern America would be offput by a town rife with corruption and other problems.

And so MKB has returned to Washington, to Anderson Island.

I recollect when MKB previously lived in Washington she made references to Anderson Island. I think she owned property on the island. I remember for sure MKB mentioning picking blackberries on Anderson Island.

Anyone who knows me well knows anything blackberry is a friend of mine. My favorite fruit, with mangoes a distant second.

I do not believe I have ever been on Anderson Island. All I know about that island is that it is in the south end of Puget Sound. I do not know if access is via bridge or ferry.

Speaking of bridge access to an actual island, I wonder if it was Fort Worth's bizarre slow motion construction of three simple little bridges over dry land, hoping to one day connect the Fort Worth mainland to an imaginary island, which was the final straw MKB could not take anymore.

I know a lot of people have had a disgusted reaction to Fort Worth's embarrassing Boondoggle, though not strong enough for most to feel the need to escape the town...

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