Saturday, January 11, 2020

Texas 70s Renders Linda Lou Nauseous Before Freezing Snow

Two nights ago the Skagit Valley's Linda Lou texted me asking a couple questions, including asking if I was freezing.

I replied that no, I am not freezing, and that today the temperature got into the 70s, and that I currently had my windows open.

But, that the forecast was for possible snow in a couple days.

Well, the day after Linda Lou's text question, as in yesterday, the day known as Friday, the temperature again got into the 70s.

And then this morning, as in Saturday morning, we have had a 40 degree temperature drop.

With snow.

As you can see above, via the deep snow which has piled up on my patio deck.

When I texted Linda Lou that I was not freezing, but was instead warm in the 70s, Linda Lou replied with two words and an exclamation point, as in "Well puke!"

To which I asked back, "Puke cuz of being in the 70s?"

Which Linda Lou answered with, "Puke, because I don't like it cold and am envious of that 70 degrees,"

In the Skagit Valley, and the rest of the Western Washington Puget Sound zone a 70 degree day is considered to be a perfect summer day's temperature. Anything above the 70s, and in the 80s, or above, is HOT.

I am hoping to be able to drive my motorized conveyance device today. So far it does not appear there is sufficient snow accumulation to make driving problematic...

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