Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Linda Lou's Skagit Valley Jam Factory Blackberry Pepper Jam Arrives In Texas

Way back last month, at the end of the first week of September, mention was made of Incoming Jars From Linda Lou's Skagit Valley Jam Factory.

I had been eagerly anticipating the arrival of a box full of choice products from Linda Lou's Jam Factory, and was most eagerly anticipating the Blackberry Pepper Jam anticipated to be part of the anticipated arrival.

That anticipated box arrived. I opened it, and found no Blackberry Pepper Jam. In the part of the box reserved for the Blackberry Pepper Jam I found organic pickled carrots.

I made mention of the Blackberry Pepper Jam absence and un-anticipated carrots in the blog post about this.

Linda Lou was in Alaska when she learned that her Linda Lou Skagit Valley Jam Factory shipping department employee had made the egregious blackberry shipping error.

Those who know me well know of my fondness for anything blackberry. So, of course I experienced an intense sense of letdown when I found pickled carrots substituting for blackberries.

And then when Linda Lou returned from Alaska, upon her first day back in her Skagit Valley Jam Factory, Linda Lou personally took over from her regular shipping employees to box a new box to send to Texas.

That new box arrived yesterday, and contained only the coveted delicacy of Blackberry Pepper Jam.

That is one of the jars photo documented above, temporarily sitting on the patio outside its kitchen storage location.

I have yet to try the Blackberry Pepper Jam.

Yesterday I had the Linda Lou Skagit Valley Factory Raspberry Jam for the first time. Best raspberry jam ever, or at least in recent memory. It is like concentrated essence of raspberries in a jar.

Those living in the Skagit Valley already know what I am about to tell you.

Linda Lou's Raspberry Jam was the Blue Ribbon winner at this year's Skagit County Fair, along with winning Best in Division.

I do not know why Linda Lou did not enter her prize winning Raspberry Jam in the Washington State Fair (formerly known as the Puyallup). I suspect the trip to Alaska interfered...

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