Thursday, September 12, 2019

Will Fort Worth National Recreational River Ever Gain A Real Island?

I saw that which you above this morning on Facebook, in an article titled Missouri National Recreational River Gains An Island.
The first paragraph of the article...

Not every unit of the National Park System can brag about adding an island to its landscape, but Missouri National Recreational River can. And it's no small island, either; Goat Island runs about 800 acres.

Can anyone guess what struck my imagination about this article about an actual island in an actual scenic river, with that river running about 800 acres in size?

800 acres?

That is the acre number usually cited for the size of Fort Worth's imaginary island, not called Goat Island, but named after a different four legged critter.

Panther Island, where there is no island, will never be what anyone sane would call an island, and which is currently an industrial wasteland in the process of being connected by three simple little bridges being built in ultra slow motion over dry land, to the Fort Worth mainland.

I saw this photo of Goat Island, located in a channel of the Missouri River near Vermillion, South Dakota and wondered to myself if part of the ongoing Fort Worth delusion nonsense might be explained by something as simple as the possible fact that those in Fort Worth responsible for mis-leading the town in what is known as the Fort Worth Way, actually have never seen a real island, thus not realizing a cement lined ditch does not an island make.

The same people who thought it made sense to label its downtown "Sundance Square" where, for decades, there was no "square", confusing downtown Fort Worth's few tourists looking for a non-existent square. Maybe those who thought it okay to refer to their downtown as Sundance Square had not been to towns with actual town squares, hence not realizing how stupid it was to do anything such labeling where no square existed.

Eventually some semblance of common sense came to downtown Fort Worth, and the parking lots some long thought were Sundance Square were turned in an actual small square called Sundance Square Plaza.

And then there is that other example which long had those who knew better wondering if those who touted it as doing so, as in "Trinity River Vision To Turn Fort Worth Into Vancouver Of The South" had not actually been to Vancouver, thus not realizing how ridiculously stupid it was to think anything could possibly turn anything in Fort Worth into anything resembling anything in Vancouver.

So, maybe the solution to putting an end to Fort Worth embarrassing itself, over and over again, is to put an end to the town being run by that good ol' boy and girl network which has run Fort Worth in what is known as the Fort Worth Way, for decades, cuz, it really is not working.

For instance how it that plan to supposedly lure multiple corporations to Fort Worth going? Any success yet? Anyone bite on any of the concessions and tax breaks?

I wonder if the solution might be figuring out how it is some towns lure corporations to move to their towns, without offering bribes?

Something to ponder...

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