Thursday, September 12, 2019

Arizona Visiting Miss Daisy's Stormy New Chandler Location

Visiting my mom's new home location for the first time.

Miss Daisy has moved a few miles to the northeast of Sun Lakes, to a new location in Chandler.

Chandler is also the town where Jason, Joey, David, Theo & Ruby's Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jack live, along with their cousin, Jeremy.

Miss Daisy's youngest has twice visited mom's new location since the move a couple weeks ago.

In this photo taken last weekend I can not tell who is looking happier, mom or Miss Daisy's youngest, David, Theo and Ruby's, Mama Michele...

Near as I can currently tell, the next time I will be in Arizona will be, maybe, during the Thanksgiving time frame, two months from now.

Possibly David, Theo, Ruby, Spencer Jack and Hank Frank will be in the Valley of the Sun during the same time frame...

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