Sunday, September 15, 2019

Son Of A Grifter Durango Award Winner For Outrageous Corruption

Til yesterday I had no idea there was a Durango Award for anything, let alone a Durango Award for Outrageous Corruption.

And yet, there it is, on the cover of a book titled "SON OF A GRIFTER".

Subtitled "The Twisted Tale of Way Stranger and Sonny Boy, the Most Notorious Con Artists in America".

Most notorious con artists in America? Even more notorious than the notorious Trumps?

I shall see if I can copy the blurb from the jacket of this book to give us some idea of what this book is all about...

While this may read like a true tale, any resemblance to actual characters, living or dead, is simply a coincidence.

In Son of a Grifter we meet young Way Lost, a poor Texas girl, struggling to survive on her grandma's pig farm. Eventually Way meets Jimmy Ray Stranger. Soon they marry and soon after that Sonny Boy is born, named Jimmy Ray Stranger II, known as JR Stranger.

Way is not happy married to Jimmy Ray, soon finding comfort in the arms of another stranger. Soon after that Way finds she is again in the family way, with triplets, and Jimmy Ray is not the baby daddy.

Jimmy Ray leaves Way, who finds herself alone with JR and the triplets. Barely making enough money to survive at her job teaching tap dancing Way decides to start selling Pre-Paid Legal, trekking from one potential sale to another, with Sonny Boy and the triplets in tow.

Way Stranger was determined to find a better life for her and Sonny Boy, and maybe the triplets, no matter what she had to do. Eventually Way sells her soul to the devil and becomes a Texas politician, having realized this was the route to securing her family's future.

Way's plan was that she'd get Sonny Boy a good job, sell political favors, buy property, no matter what she had to do, Way would do it, and did, until all her shenanigans caught up to her and Way Stranger and Sonny Boy JR became known as the most notorious con artists in America... 


The above is as far as the book's jacket description of the tale told in this book goes. No clue what happens when the law catches up with Way Stranger and Sonny Boy's shenanigans. Or what the two did to earn that most notorious con artists in America title.

I do know I am not gonna buy this book, what with its $29.99 price tag. For all I know this book is yet one more Way Stranger Sonny Boy con job. I'll wait til the book is available to be checked out from my favorite public library...

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