Saturday, September 14, 2019

Republican Hopes To Boot Kay Granger In 2020 Primary

Friday morning an incoming text message from someone insisting she be Anonymous, cryptically forwarded the following question...

Can you clue in Durango that a legit Granger challenger who has been critical of her and JD's role in the TRVA Boondoggle is announcing soon?

In followup text messages I tried to understand why someone thought I needed to be clued in about this, what with there being no actual factual details helping me understand.

Via followup text messages I basically remained clueless, other than being told it is someone challenging the Granger Grifter Gang in the primary, as in a Republican challenger.

And then later in the day I was told "Apparently is it out now, so you can blog that Granger has a challenger."

I still do not quite understand what or why or who. What is out now? Why does whatever is out now mean I can now blog Granger has a challenger? And who is this challenger?

And while I think it would greatly benefit Fort Worth and the surrounding area to retire Kay Granger, and her son, I would rather see a Democrat replace her in the general election, than see her get an early boot in the primary.

How is some local Republican gonna manage to thwart Fort Worth's Good ol' Boy and Girl Network and boot one of their own?

My guess is the only real hope of getting rid of Kay Granger and her son, and putting an end to the Granger Gang's continuing damage to Fort Worth, is for the expected 2020 Blue Wave to be a historically HUGE Tsunami level Blue Wave...

1 comment:

  1. There is zero chance a Democrat can win in CD12. It’s all of Parker County and a bunch of Wise in addition to downtown and western Fort Worth. The funny thing is Granger basically legislates like a Democrat these days anyway but her constituents have no idea how she votes because she flies so low under the radar.
