Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Wind Chill Of 11 Is Keeping Me Off Fort Worth's Gateway Park Mountain Bike Trail Today

24 degrees, feeling like 11 degrees, due to a strong wind blowing in from the north, on this first Wednesday of the 2nd month of 2014.

With possible snow predicted for tomorrow.

I miss Global Warming.

Even though the outer world was ultra frigid early this morning I braved the frigidity and had myself a much needed bout of hot tub hydrotherapy.

Yesterday I finally got around to fixing the flat on the rear tire of my bike. It was way back on Saturday, October 12 of last year I had an unfortunate encounter with a big nail at Gateway Park.

I blogged about this unfortunate nail encounter in a blogging titled The 2nd Saturday Of October With Computer Woes, Rusty Nails, Broken Pumps & Pomegranate Yogurt.

Until this morning's colder than I expected chill I had planned on going on a bike ride today on the aforementioned Gateway Park's mountain bike trail. But, with the wind making it feeling like 11 degrees I'm thinking going on a bike ride would not result in me having a mighty fine time today rolling my wheels.

I must remember that I am babysitting a problematic Puerto Rican cat and visit the hissing feline today to make sure her living space is being adequately heated.

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