Saturday, December 21, 2013

Making My Way Over Flooding Streets To Go Treasure Hunting At Town Talk

In the picture you are looking west at a very wet Randol Mill Road, around noon, this next to last Saturday of 2013.

I ventured out into the ongoing deluge to make my weekly Town Talk trek.

For a moment or two I considered going on a bumbershoot enabled walk in the rain, but opted not to.

Right after I snapped this picture a vehicle passed me on the right, hitting a big puddle, which sent a wall of water on to my windshield, virtually blinding me for a second or two.

Town Talk was not as busy as I expected it to be. I suppose a lot of people did not feel like navigating drenching downpours to go treasure hunting.

I got some real good rabbit food today at Town Talk. The reader board out front said "Salad Bowls 2/$1"

I have no idea what was meant by "Salad Bowls" til I found them. A variety of various salads of sorts like Mixed Greens Bacon Ranch Salad. I had that one for lunch. In addition to several salad bags I also got rabbit food in the form of big carrots. I don't know if rabbits like tortillas, but I got a big bag of flour tortillas, thick homemade type tortillas which I used as hamburger buns for lunch.

Excuse me, knock on the door, I'll be right back....

This is unprecedented. Yesterday there were two knocks on the door with packages being delivered by the USPS mailman. Today, the door knock brought the same result, another package delivered to my door by the USPS mailman. This package is another one from Washington, specifically a town named Seattle.

Switching the subject from packages back to food.

While making lunch I also made a batch of refried beans, well, began the process of making refried beans by installing the ingredients in the slow cooker. One of the ingredients is a chopped up jalapeno. I thought I'd thoroughly washed my hands after chopping the jalapeno.

However, a strong burning sensation is currently occurring in several sensitive locations.

The rain has stopped downpouring. For now. So far I have heard nary a boom of thunder.

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