Sunday, December 22, 2013

It Is Freezing On The 2nd Day Of Winter In Texas

I did not realize til after yesterday's fall of the sun, also known as sunset, that fall of 2013 had become history with yesterday's shortest day of the year and the start of winter.

And now, this morning, the 2nd day of winter, we have returned to winter appropriate temperatures, as in, as you can see, it is freezing, with the wind making that 32 degrees really feel like 22 degrees.

Yesterday I did not venture out into the flooding landscape during my usual pool-time part of the morning.

This morning I did venture out to the pool, what with no rain falling and the sky somewhat clear of clouds.

Yesterday's deluge added several inches to the pool depth. I did not get in the too cool pool this morning. The hot tub provided my only hydrotherapy.

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