Monday, September 2, 2013

My North Texas Location Is Currently Chilled To 78 With A Heat Index Real Feel Of 101

78 degrees?

With the heat index making it really feel like 101?

I thought my computer based temperature monitoring device must be broken, so I checked the temperature on the Star-Telegram website to find it is also 78 degrees.

I just returned from a semi-extended stay in the outer world and it definitely feels closer to 101 out there than 78 degrees.

78 degrees is only 2 degrees warmer than the current temperature in my old home zone of Mount Vernon, Washington.

It is a little past the middle of this Labor Day afternoon. The sky has returned to blue. It can not possibly be only 78 degrees.

Then again, the air-conditioner does not seem to be running, non-stop, in fact I don't think it has cycled on since I've been back in air-conditioned comfort.

Very perplexing....

1 comment:

  1. Thought I'd stop in and say "howdy," and that I did make it out of Tx unscathed. To Washington (Walla Walla) and now back to Oregon. Stars are clearer in the mountain air.
