Monday, September 2, 2013

A Labor Day Morning Swim In The Rain With Mosquito Bites

This Labor Day morning I was surprised when I unblocked my view of the outer world to look out my bedroom window to see blue sky had been replaced by gray and droplets of wet were falling, covering the ground in water.

So, I had myself a really fine time swimming in the rain this morning.

As I pushed my way through water I saw flashes of light in the distance and heard thunder rumbling. But, it was a long ways away, so I had no worry about getting electrocuted by a lightning strike.

I do worry sometimes that I might get electrocuted by the pool's underwater lights. Something just seems not right about pools having  underwater lights.

The past week, give or take a day, I have been getting buzzed my mosquitoes whilst swimming. Most of these days of getting skeeter buzzed I have gotten one bite, always in the same location, resulting in a big red bump on my right cheek. That's the cheek to the right of my nose, just to be clear.

Speaking of getting mosquito bites in an unfortunate location. In Gar the Texan's extensive coverage of his most recent honeymoon, last month in Jamaica, Gar reported that he'd suffered multiple Jamaica mosquito attacks. Gar claims that Texas mosquitoes have never had a taste for him, but the Jamaican variant would not stop feasting on him.

Gar the Texan further shared the fact that many of the Jamaican mosquito bites were in nether regions of a delicate nature, regions with important honeymooning functions, which rendered the honeymooning painful at times.

What with the weather outside having the potential to become frightful I will have to be flexible with my Labor Day Picnic plans.

Later today blue sky is predicted to return, along with an extremely humid HOT high of 98.

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