Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bum Puzzled By Things Southern Belles Like Elsie Hotpepper Sometimes Say

Last night Elsie Hotpepper said something to me along the line of "I gotta hankerin' to be fixin' to get myself a free Koozie."

I did not know what a Koozie was or how one would get a Koozie for free. Getting a free Koozie sounded borderline nefarious to me. So, I asked Elsie Hotpepper what a Koozie was. And what dire deed she had to do to get a Koozie for free.

Elsie said something along the line of "Well bless your heart. A Koozie is what you stick a can of beer in to keep it cold."

"Koozie is Southern Slang for refrigerator?" asked I.

Elsie then said something along the line of "Aren't you just precious."

After suggesting I was precious, in that charming dripping with honey Elsie Hotpepper patented Texas accent, Elsie emailed me a picture that alleviated me of my Koozie ignorance. I then blogged about the Koozie because the way one got one for free was interesting to me.

Elsie also emailed the link to the YouTube video above which has a bevy of Elsie Hotpepper's fellow Southern Belles spouting their special lingo....

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