Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Old Man & The Fosdick Sea Feeding Ducks

The Old Man & The Fosdick Sea was back floating on his unique fishing barge today in Fosdick Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

I think if I were to fish on a fishing barge such as this I would opt not to be wearing long pants.

The July Arctic Blast is still keeping the outer world temperature far below normal in normally HOT north Texas.

The overnight low at my location was 62. It was in the 70s when I went walking around Fosdick Lake and it is only 84 degrees, right now, in the middle of the afternoon of the second day of July.

I think I have mentioned that my mom and dad were in Bend, yesterday. Bend, Oregon, that is. Yesterday I thought mom's visit with her sister was not going to happen, due to logistical problems. But, last night those logistical problems were taken care of, which had mom and dad visiting my Aunt Mike this morning.

Aunt Mike did not recognize my mom and dad. But, they had a pleasant visit. Alzheimer's is a cruel disease.

Meanwhile I have heard from Gar the Texan  regarding his upcoming legally binding contractual partnership to a new wife. Previously I mentioned that it seemed that Gar the Texan was trying to break Mickey Rooney's wife total record.

However, Gar the Texan is now claiming, if I'm understanding correctly, that only three of his "wives" have been legally binding contractual partnerships requiring a divorce proceeding to be wife-free. I guess that must mean the Vibrator and the Very Big Girl were Texas Common Law type wives.

Now, back to today and Fosdick Lake. Soon after watching the Old Man & the Fosdick Sea fishing I came upon the charming scene below.

A mom and little girl feeding the Fosducks.

I asked if I could take their picture because they were being so darn cute. The little girl excitedly gave me permission. While her mother seemed a bit wary.

1 comment:

  1. This will be the third legally binding type thing.

    Third time's a charm and all.

    The very big girl is actually some invention of yours which you have picture evidence of only because she was sitting at the bar next to me.

    I'm now kind of concerned about you going up to two strange ladies asking if they'd allow you to take picture of them feeding their Fosducks.

    Do they realize that pictures can be legally used in the court of Durango?
