Monday, July 1, 2013

An Arctic Blast Brings Temperatures 30 Degrees Above Freezing To Formerly HOT North Texas

This morning it was only 30 degrees above freezing when I woke up my computer to monitor the weather for the day.

It is now 35 degrees above freezing at about 3 hours since the sun showed up today to being its heating duty.

I do not remember, previously, having my windows open, in Texas, in July. But, they are open this morning on this 1st day of the new month.

The pool was much warmer than the air this morning. That does not happen too often.

I do not know how long this unseasonably cold Arctic Blast is scheduled to continue. If the temperature predictors are correct with their prediction, we are only going to be in the 80s the next couple days in this formerly HOT part of the planet.

It is currently HOTTER up in my old home zone of Washington than it is in formerly HOT Texas.

1 comment:

  1. It hit 74 in Ocean Shores yesterday. We got to try out the AC to confirm it works.
