Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tonight I Have A Mom & Dad In Klamath Falls And A Sister Stuck In Twin Falls With A Vehicular Malfunction

In the picture you are looking at what is known as a mountain. This mountain is near Klamath Falls, Oregon.

My mom called me tonight from Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Mom and dad left the Phoenix zone Saturday morning to begin a trek north to a wedding in Tacoma.

It had been indicated to me, by my mom, that they would be traveling at a slower pace than they are traveling, what with them already being in Klamath Falls.

I was a bit concerned about my mom and dad driving across long stretches of desert with this record breaking heat wave happening. A vehicular breakdown when the temperature is super HOT can quickly become very problematic.

All my siblings, who do not currently live in Washington, are currently on the road, heading north for that aforementioned wedding.

Mom told me my sister, also heading north from the Phoenix zone, with my nephew CJ as her chauffeur, has had one of those dreaded vehicular breakdowns, currently stuck in Twin Falls, Idaho, awaiting a mechanical repair.

The last time I drove back to Washington, early August of 2001, my last night before arriving in Seattle was spent in Twin Falls.

It is 2,200 miles, give or take a mile or two, from my location in Texas to Seattle. This sounds like a long distance, but it really isn't. First night of that trip north was spent in Pueblo, Colorado, second night in Twin Falls, with arrival in Seattle the next afternoon.

After my mom called I let my cousin Freddy, in Bend, know that his aunt and uncle had made it to Klamath Falls and would be arriving in Bend around noon tomorrow. I am hoping that when my Aunt Mike sees her sister, that being my mom, that Aunt Mike has a Notebook moment and recognizes my mom.

Mom said she'll call me tomorrow to let me know how the visit with Aunt Mike went.

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