Sunday, June 2, 2013

Why Does The Los Angeles River Vision Have No Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats Or Drive-In Movie Theaters?

I learned today that Los Angeles has followed Fort Worth's lead in returning a formerly scorned river to public recreational use.

It was via a CNN online article titled At last, Los Angeles River opens to public recreation after 80 years that I learned of what amounts to a Los Angeles River Vision, which, near as I can tell, is not yet a boondoggle, so Los Angeles really is not totally following the Fort Worth lead provided by the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

Just like with Fort Worth's section of the Trinity River, the Los Angeles River, in the area of the Los Angeles River Vision, is technically an Army Corps of Engineers flood control channel.

I have seen the cement lined Los Angeles River flood control channel many times, both in person and in movies and on TV. I have wondered if the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's un-needed flood control channel will look like the Los Angeles River flood control channel if it ever becomes anything anyone can see.

The actual name of the Los Angeles River Vision is the Los Angeles River Pilot Recreation Zone. This zone is a section of the Los Angeles River with tree covered oasis islands, views of the San Gabriel Mountains and birds, lots of birds.

The Trinity River Vision can match all that. Except for the mountain views.

A blurb from the CNN article sounds almost TRV Boondogglish...

Oasis parks are colorfully named Rattlesnake, Steelhead and Egret. And, yes, there are even fish in the river -- carp, catfish and bass -- and anglers can drop a line as long as they have a state permit. In this recreation zone, the public can launch a kayak, canoe or other nonmotorized boat without a permit or cost.

Apparently it is safe to eat the fish one catches in the Los Angeles River.

Another blurb in the CNN article indicated an uncanny similarity between modern day Los Angeles and modern day Fort Worth and their rivers...

Now there's been a shift in the Los Angeles culture and the way Angelenos view themselves. They can truly identify a river in the city.

There was no mention made in the CNN article regarding whether the Los Angeles River Vision is having Inner Tube Happy Hour Floats. Or turning any of those Los Angeles River oasis islands into a music venue named Rattlesnake Island Pavilion.

The Los Angeles River Vision might want to think about enticing the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's J.D. Granger to come help them make the LA vision as visionary as the Fort Worth vision.

It has been a long time since a drive-in movie theater has opened in Los Angeles. Let alone a wakeboard park....

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