Monday, June 3, 2013

Pedaling Village Creek Finding Myself In A Jungle Under A Giant Mirror Ball

I had myself a mighty fine swim early this morning that gave me a good endorphin boost. But, a few hours later the boost began to wear off, which led me to drive my bike to the Village Creek Natural Historical Area to get a fresh endorphin fix.

Being an addict is a lot of bother. Between needing endorphin fixes and coffee fixes, my addictions are, at times, a tiresome, time taking nuisance.

Which I like most of the time.

Like today.

The Arlington park people who keep the Village Creek Natural Historical Area in great shape, long ago installed a giant mirror ball to make it easy for parkgoers to take photos of themselves. The large mirror ball may have some other purpose, but taking a photo of myself is what I used it for today.

As you can see, the Village Creek Natural Historical Area's foliage has returned to its jungle-like state. This lasts for a few months, til the heat of summer begins the slow fade to losing the greenery in the fall.

In the meantime, with the Village Creek NHA paved trails under a heavy canopy of green, it makes for a cooling shade from the blistering sun.

And now the maid is ringing the lunch bell, which means I must go consume some vittles, which today, if I remember right, is spring greens salad, whole wheat smoked turkey pizza and chicken. Typing that all out it really does not sound all that appetizing.

1 comment:

  1. mirror ball can keep bees and wasps away and can help U C someone coming upon u on the trail
