Saturday, June 22, 2013

Red Tape Did Not Keep My Bike From The Edge Of A Gateway Park Cliff Today

The "DANGER" red tape is no longer blocking access to pedaling off a cliff in Gateway Park, I learned today after a mile or two of pedaling.

So, I was able to push my handlebars right to the edge of the precipice, where they may have been in "DANGER" of falling into the slimy green looking body of water below.

Just two days ago, on Thursday, dozens upon dozens of brave souls floated in that water to have themselves a Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Float with J.D.Granger and his Panther Island Pavilion party animals.

The Trinity River moves so slow I don't know if the water those Thursday floaters floated in has flowed downstream far enough to yet be at the location under my handlebars.

Except for a near collision with a guy pedaling a skinny tire bike, today's Gateway Park bike ride was mostly uneventful.

My regular Saturday treasure hunt at Town Talk was also mostly uneventful. I got a couple cartons of cherry tomatoes, some yellow peppers, two cases of yogurt, with one of them being the Siggi brand of Greek yogurt with the flavor being Acai Mixed Berry. I have no idea what Acai Mixed Berry means. I also got a gallon of non-homogenized organic whole milk. The huge chunks of butterfat in this milk make for an interesting drinking experience.

I've decided to shake up my usual rut next Saturday, and not go to Town Talk. I have another destination in mind for my next Saturday treasure hunting. In Arlington. A place called SB Depot, which I have not been to.

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