Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Hot First Sunday Of Summer Tandy Hills Hike With A Collapsed Bamboo Tepee

In the picture you are standing atop Mount Tandy, looking west at the 4 soaring skyscrapers that dominate the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

My swimming pool is out of commission due to an electrical problem which has the filtering pump not filtering. And so a heavy dose of chemicals had to poured into the water, lest the water turn an unfortunate shade of slimy green.

I have seen how quickly this can happen when we are at the HOT time of the year, when the pool water at my previous abode turned slimy green when the filtering pump went awry.

An electrician arrives tomorrow to try and figure out what caused the short circuit that shut down everything electrical associated with the pool.

With no pool, the Tandy Hills was rendered my source of endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation today.

Three days in to Summer and we have yet to have a 100 degree day at my location in Texas, but the Tandy Hills were plenty warm today, though more than a dozen degrees shy of 100.

Today I was shocked to walk in to the Bamboo Tepee Grove to find that the Bamboo Tepee has collapsed to the ground.

The mystery of why someone hauled about a dozen bamboo poles to the heart of the Tandy Hills and then constructed a Bamboo Tepee has never been solved.

The Bamboo Tepee stood for several years, seemingly impervious to the elements, surviving wind, rain, hail, snow and extreme heat and cold.

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