Friday, May 10, 2013

TRWD General Manager Jim Oliver Is Out Of Control Spewing Vitriolic Trash Talk

This morning on my way to the swimming pool I opened my mailbox to find what I assume will be the last mailer I'll  find in my mailbox pertaining to tomorrow's Tarrant Regional Water District Board election.

This morning's mailer was from the BNK opponents. I've lost count  of the number of mailers I've received from the opponents and the incumbents. I would guess the BNK opponents have something like a 4 to 1 lead in the Mailer Wars.

I scanned one of the pages of today's mailer. I then slightly altered what I scanned by adding "TRWD General Manager Jim Oliver is out of control and the current board is providing no oversight."

I blogged about Jim Oliver being out of control on Wednesday in a post titled Memorable Words From TRWD's Marty Leonard & Jim Oliver About Unqualified Losers.

I took the blurb "TRWD General Manager Jim Oliver is out of control and the current board is providing no oversight" from the home page of the Flush the TRWD website.

On Wednesday John Basham said that within 24 hours he would publish the email exchanges he had with Jim Oliver that led Mr. Basham to assert that Jim Oliver is out of control.

Unlike way too many politicians Mr. Basham was true to his word.

Below is what John Basham had to say about the arrogant Jim Oliver, followed by the email exchanges, which I have put in chronological order.

Jim Oliver Emails
TRWD General Manager has NO OVERSIGHT from the current board and is out of control !

Below is an example of Jim Oliver's work as the General Manager at the TRWD. This email conversation took place between TRWD/BNK candidate John Austin Basham and Mr. Oliver Monday May 6th. Mr. Basham had received information that district employees including Mr. Oliver could be making phone calls urging people to vote for the incumbents FROM DISTRICT PHONES DURING DISTRICT BUSINESS HOURS.

As General Manager of the TRWD Mr. Oliver should take any hint of impropriety with tax funded property very seriously. The Exchange below will show both Mr. Oliver's arrogance and disdain for any oversight.

On May 6, 2013, at 6:15 PM, "John Austin Basham" wrote:

Mr. Oliver,
Imagine if you were an employee at a government entity who was using those government phones to call and ask "friends" to vote for a specific set of candidates at your government entity. Now, let's take one additional step and imagine you were still using those same government facilities (offices & phones) during government business hours to call people and spread libelous information about candidates running against your chosen bosses whom perhaps this employee has lied to time and time again... But wait, one more piece of imagination is needed. Imagine one of those "friends" on your list recorded one of those calls and provided it to the challengers. Wow! Wouldn't that be mind boggling? What a story that would make if broken at the right time. Sure is a good thing that never happens, huh? See you soon.
John Basham

On May 6, 2013 7:31 PM, "Jim Oliver" <> wrote:

Imagine if you were a loser, bankrupt with your house foreclosed, and pretending to be a meteorologist with no education. Oh, wait a minute, you don't have to imagine, because its you.

On May 6, 2013, at 7:33 PM, "John Basham" wrote:

Tic tic tic tic tic

On May 6, 2013 7:36 PM, "Jim Oliver" <> wrote:

I've earned a living for my family, you never will, loser. 

No matter what the results of tomorrow's election are, I can not see how Jim Oliver can keep earning the living he's been living feeding off the public trough, whilst treating the public so dismissively. And rudely. And inappropriately.

1 comment:

  1. That Oliver dude appears to be an immature abd unprofessional person....with very poor grammar and/or very limited education. Seems to be common in this county, from city to mhmr and so on.
