Thursday, May 16, 2013

Deadly Texas Tornado Caused Non-Gas Related Call To My Mom & Dad

As I sit here looking at my computer monitor we are coming up on 4 in the afternoon of the day after a killer tornado wreaked havoc a few miles southwest of my location.

As you can see, via looking at the sky above the turquoise body of water I see when I look out my south facing windows, no dangerous clouds appear to be presenting any sort of dire threat at this current point in time.

The sky above still appeared to be a bit threatening when I went swimming in that turquoise body of water early this morning.

At my location last night's storm consisted of some noisy thunder, some rain in downpour mode and a burst or two of wind. No tornado sirens were heard.

Due to it being a rough night, last night, I was not in the mood to drive anywhere to get myself some salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation. Instead I walked to Albertsons because I needed vinegar.

On the way back from Albertsons I reached for my phone to call my mom and dad because they always think I may have been twisted aloft whenever they hear tornadoes have struck the D/FW zone.

As I pulled my phone out of its pocket it started singing its incoming call song. I thought it was likely my mom calling, but I was wrong. It was Connie D. The Tacoma version of Connie D., not the Fort Worth version.

I sat at a picnic table and had a long talk with Connie D. We had some much needed itinerary discussing to do regarding my upcoming visit to the Pacific Northwest.

After Connie D. was done with me I finally called my mom and dad. Mom answered.  Mom always answers. I don't think mom lets dad answer the phone.

They'd consulted maps trying to figure out where the deadly Granbury tornado area was in relation to my location.

During the course of talking to my mom mom  asked if I'd been invited to a wedding taking place this coming July 6. I said I had not heard of any wedding. Mom then told me the details of this wedding. I then told mom I was shocked, shocked I tell you, that I have not been invited to this.

Well, I was unnecessarily shocked. Just minutes ago I got email from the member of the wedding party to whom I am related, informing me of the event, asking if I want to go, saying "I can send you a real invite if you are interested.  Lemme know. I know how you love family events, so I thought I’d give you fair warning instead of just sending it."

I do love a family event. Let's see, the last family event I went to of the wedding sort was way back in April of 2006. That went well, sort of, but eventually went totally off the rails due to the absurdly obnoxious antics of the relative some of us now call BS.

I can't help but wonder if BS will be at this wedding? I suspect not. I have said previously I will never subject myself to BS again, not ever, if I can help it. And usually I can....

1 comment:

  1. So I'm going to assume you most likely will not be a groomsmen in this ceremony.
