Thursday, May 16, 2013

An Incoming Sign Request For A Spencer Jack Addendum To The Jason & Joey Playground

Last night there was incoming email, subject line: Sign Request, from Spencer Jack's dad, my most elderly nephew, Jason....

Uncle Durango,

Your favorite brother confirmed my thoughts on the origin of this newly hung sign. It was in fact my FUD who made this for me and my brother years ago. Perhaps in the early 1980s. The sign has been carefully stored for years and just recently rehung for all to see. Over the long winter, Spencer Jack, Joseph (aka Uncle Joe)converted my once carport into a lego playroom. This is virtually a small lego city which highlights model lego based trains, and an encompassing lego monorail, similar in scale to a real one found 70 miles south of here. I am requesting a new uncle made sign, one that includes Spencer Jack's name.

Below is the above mentioned lego city with a monorail....

As for the "The Jason & Joseph Playground" sign.

Yes, my favorite brother is correct. I did make that sign. There was a Christmas a few decades back when I had fun with my router making signs which became that year's Christmas presents.

I do not remember what became of the router. I know it did not make the move to Texas. Even if the router did make the move to Texas, I do not have a workshop zone like I had in Washington, that made it easy to make stuff out of wood.

The Jason & Joseph Playground sign must have been made soon after "Joseph" was born, before "Joseph" became always known as Joey. Or Joe. I do not recollect anyone ever referring to Joey as Joseph.

Other than me on this antique sign.

1 comment:

  1. When Joey is in trouble, he is called Joseph. If it's big trouble, it's Joseph John.

    Signed, his mom
