Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Gateway Park Bike Ride Reading A Letter From Kay Granger With Connie D's Jalapeno Cornbread Poppers

Even though I had myself a real fine time, with Captain Clean, biking the Gateway Park mountain bike trail today, I did not feel like getting off the bike, getting out the camera and taking yet one more photo of my bike's handlebars sitting on a trail.

My momentary aversion to being repetitive will likely last less than 24 hours.

Or be over right now.

In addition to having a real fine time on my bike, earlier this morning I had a real fine time in the pool.

By tomorrow morning the pool should be more cool, what with an Arctic Blast blowing in, with the incoming cold expected to bring record breaking low temperatures. Which should make the pool feel way warmer than the air, come tomorrow morning.

A few minutes ago I received a letter that Congresswoman Kay Granger sent to her Fort Worth cronies. Earlier today I blogged about an Anonymous TRWD Super Villain.

I am almost 100% certain Kay Granger was not that Anonymous TRWD Super Villain, but reading her letter makes me wonder if my almost 100% certainty may be  erroneous.

Enough about political corruption, for now.

I know you are wondering what you are looking at in the picture above. That is a pizza pan in my oven. But, that is not pizza on the pizza pan.

A day or two ago, on Facebook, Connie D. (Fort Worth), not to be confused with Connie D. (Tacoma) posted the directions for making atn item called Jalapeno Cornbread Poppers.

I am not a big fan of following recipes. Recipes are way too much like someone telling me what to do, which usually makes me uncooperative. But, Connie D.'s Facebook photo of Jalapeno Cornbread Poppers looked so good I copied the directions. That and the directions appeared to be simple enough that I could handle following them.

So, I took 12  large jalapenos and sliced them lengthwise, removing the seeds and guts. Followed the directions on a Texas Style Honey Sweet Cornbread Mix I got at Walmart, mixed in a can of corn kernels, drained, of course. Mixed in a cup of shredded sharp cheese. Scooped the corn bread mix into the jalapeno halves, then spread another half cup of shredded sharp cheese on top. Baked 20 minutes at 350.


Thank you, Connie D. (Fort Worth)


  1. I haven't made yet. Will resolve that this weekend. They look yummy!

  2. CD----Turned out to be so easy to make I can see where I'll make these a regular thing. I'm thinking it worked with other peppers, too, like poblanos or anaheims. And mixing something like bacon into the batter might be a good thing.

  3. Everything is better with bacon. I bought the ingredients today at Target (I hate Target, but it is close). I am definitely making this weekend .
