Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Second Day Of April Expecting Wind, Rain, Hail & Thunder Booming

The weather predictors predicted that a Big Storm would roll into my current location sometime after midnight, last night.

No Big Storm rolled into my current location sometime after midnight, last night.

The weather predictors are now predicting that at some point in time, on this second day of April, there will be some storm action moving across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in the form of wind, rain, hail and lightning.

So far, this morning, there has been some slight drippage, no hail, no wind and no thunder booming.

When I went swimming this morning the outer world was heated well into the 60s. As the morning has progressed that outer world has chilled, currently no longer in the 60s at 59 degrees.

As you can see, via the photo taken a couple minutes ago, of the view from my patio viewing platform, of the pool and the sky above, it does appear that a storm is busy brewing.

I have not yet gone into batten down the hatches mode. My windows remain open.

I don't know if I will be going on a bumbershoot enabled walk today. Bumbershoots can be lightning rods.

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